Leadership (Old)

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Greenwich AeroGroup

“A visionary is a leader of excellence who sees what others do not see, who achieves for now and plans for the future, who positively impacts different generations and raises up other visionaries.” ― Onyi Anyado

Like the geese that inspire humans with their act of efficient flight, the leadership of Greenwich AeroGroup creates uplift for the entire organization — instilling a powerful sense of community and focus while enabling range beyond expectations.

Jim Ziegler
Vice chairman
Greenwich AeroGroup
Gene Juris
chief financial officer
Greenwich AeroGroup
Daniel Lafrance
Vice President/General Manager
professional aviation associates
Austin Shontz
Vice President/General Manager
western aircraft
Keith Johnson
Vice President/General Manager
Professional Aircraft Accessories
Tom Lark
Vice President/General Manager
Summit Aviation
Phil Winters
Vice President, aircraft sales and charter management
western aircraft
Terri Lough
Vice President, human resources
greenwich aerogroup
Mark Gomes
Vice President, information technology
Greenwich aerogroup
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